05/03/2022 – Version B.22.05
Version B.22.05 is the second version of the Tagalog Speaking Assessment and the first to be made available to customers. With data from a round of confirmation testing using the initial version, we were able to improve the precision of the scoring solution and item difficulty parameters.
What’s improved
Poorly performing items were removed to make the version more efficient and accurate.
Regression model to predict ability with a higher degree of reliability
03/01/2022 – Version A.22.03
Version A.22.03 is the first version for the Tagalog Speaking Assessment. We conducted a calibration pilot to determine the item and ability parameters to create an assessment form and accompanying scoring algorithm to best predict Tagalog speaking ability.
What’s improved
Used Rasch infit/outfit statistics to screen calibration data to the most informative items and response patterns
Incorporated regression model to predict ability with a high-degree of reliability